What H&L consultants love about being headhunters
The nature of this job is in sales because your salary will be based on a monthly base salary plus commission bonus.
But we consider ourselves consultants more than sales people, as we have a deep understanding of our candidates and provide professional and accurate career advice.
We hope to build deep connections with and between people, and maintain friendly relations between everyone we encounter.
・Comfortable and Caring envrionment
Our headquarters is in Neihu district in Taipei city. We have a high quality office, spacious personal desk spaces, endless supplies of snacks, and a plethora of delicious restaurants in the offices’ vicinity. Our office in Hsinchu also contains all the above amenities, but also includes amazing lighting, allowing you to work in an office lit by the sun’s glow.
Probation period is 3 months from when you first join the company, after which every quarter you will have a performance review.
At the end of every quarter, all consultants, managers, and the GM will meet to discuss and review the previous quarter performance as well as set goals and expectations for the next quarter. We not only use sales performance as a review, but also evaluate you holistically (i.e., your everyday performance, whether you are placing adequate effort in the right places) to help you identify areas where you struggle and to support your upward growth trajectory.
Through in depth conversations with our candidates, we hope to not only improve our basic work skills, but also provide more accurate and precise advice. Values you will receive on the job:
You don’t need relevant work experience to apply!
Don’t limit yourself, submit your resume today!
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